Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Sleeping Positions and Incisions...

I kept forgetting to comment about sleeping since having the surgery. I found it easiest to sleep on my back at first. To keep myself from rolling to my side, I put a pillow on my stomach under the blankets. I found this served two purposes - 1 - kept me on my back; and 2 - if I had to cough or sneeze I had the pillow already on my stomach for added support.

How am I sleeping now that it is a week later? Well, I should first say that I had no problem sleeping since the surgery. I guess some people do. I am now sleeping on my side and found that I even am sleeping on my stomach. (I wake up and find myself on my tummy.) Guess you can say things are going well...

The incisions look good. Just a little bruised around them. They have been starting to itch recently though. I am taking this as a sign of healing because there is no bleeding or oozing from the incisions.

There are 5 incisions total. The incision for the port is the largest. I would estimate that it is about an inch long. I think this one, for me, will be the most noticeable. Not because of the size, but it looks like it has separated a bit and I think that will leave a bigger scar. This incision is located on the left side about 3 fingers below the rib cage.

The other 4 incisions are the tool holes. That's what I like to call them. I would estimate that they are 1/2 inch in length each. the first one is right below the sternum. There is another one about 2 inches directly below that one. The third is located in the middle of incision 1 and 2 but about 2 inches to the left (I am looking down at myself for orientation.) The last incision is to the right and it is inline with incision 2, but about 2 inches to the right. Kinda complex, but if you're interested in the locations, this should help.

Week 2 post-op is still liquids...surviving it, but will be glad to be on soft mushies in a week. Have found that tomato soup is yummy to my tummy and am thinking about going to get some cream of mushroom and cream of chicken to have tomorrow for Thanksgiving. That's it for now...

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