Saturday, November 19, 2005

3 Days Post Op

Man oh man am I hungry today!!! I did not have an appetite at all for two days, but this third day has been a killer. I am wondering if I can have tomato soup, but since I'm not sure I have refrained. I did find some sugar free vanilla creamer that I am WAY excited about. I am drinking my coffee with it and it has been doing a lot for the hunger pains.

My port area is sore, but the rest of the areas are pretty good. I think I am right on track. The gas has been going down day by day. I have also been walking 30 minutes like I was asked to do. Going very slowly, but walking 30 minutes none the less.

The respiratory therapy thing has been a pain in the butt. I am supposed to do it every waking hour once per hour for 7 days. I can honestly say I have been dropping the ball on this one. It is supposed to prevent pneumonia from the anethesia, etc.

All is well. 3 days pre-op...

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