Sunday, November 09, 2008

Weekly Weigh In...

I was scared when I weighed in. Between not feeling well and not getting in as much exercise, I wasn't sure what to expect. I weighed in at 142 lbs. Yippeee~

I'm working on my next goal to lose 5 lbs by the beginning of December. I'm starting over with the numbering of the weeks - but not sure the number of goal this is or if that even matters. At the end of the day, it is just my next goal.

The other thing I know is that blogging makes me accountable and seriously makes me think more about things than I think I would if I wasn't blogging. Between this and my journal, it really keeps me on track. So, you're stuck with me! Goal is 138 lbs. Only 4 to go, but I'm guessing they are going to be tough ones!
  • Week 12 - 11/4 - 143 lbs - GOAL!!!
  • Week 1 - 11/10 - 142 lbs - 1 lb lost

Exercise - More days off than normal because of being sick. That being said, still over 5 hours in the gym, so nothing to sneeze at. (Get it? Yep, I'm hilarious.)

  • Mon - 90 mins
  • Tues - 80 mins
  • Wed - 75 mins
  • Thurs - 60 mins
  • Fri - OFF / Sick
  • Sat - OFF / Sick
  • Sun - OFF / Sick

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