Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Bootcamp started this week. I wasn't going on Monday. It was Memorial Day. It's a national holiday. I'm off work. I AM SLEEPING IN!...I went to bootcamp.

The asskicker expected that there would be 3 people there, so she had planned not do to the day 1 fit test. Well, there were more like 15 or so, but she decided to not go ahead with it as there would be more people after the holiday. As I figured, it was today.

The fit test happens at the beginning and end of the 4 weeks to give you some sort of measure of progress. She changes it every session (very cool) and this time was no different. I'm not going to get into the boring details other than, remember this post? This is the post that I said my goal for this bootcamp session was to be able to do one full pushup. Uh, um, well, today - I - DID - FIVE!!! Five full on frickin' pushups. I did the first one and seriously thought, "WHAT THE HELL?" and then did four more. Then I knocked out all the rest as 1/2 pushups to retain form. Talk about cool.

Note to self and to anyone reading: Don't try. DO. Don't doubt yourself. YOU CAN DO IT. Honestly, after class I was thinking that I bet I could have done that ONE pushup last session, but I didn't think I could. Get a grip woman - after speaking to the asskicker about how the hell to do a full pushup (yep, I'm a clueless dork and I just felt that my form was off) - you should have TRIED to do one in one in the remaining sessions. Oh well, lesson learned.

Problem is this is day 3 of the 4 week session. Guess I better come up with a new goal or slack the rest of the session (the second being a joke of course!)?


Girl Bandit said...

Hey well done...boot camp is tough!!!

Bunny said...

Wow welldone! I think I would actually snap my elbows clean in two if I tried that right now!! Maybe in 6 months I might give it a shot!

Welldone you!


P. Hentermine said...

Boot camp can be tough job for you or even it can be tough for us also. So don't worry.