Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Go Figure?!

Yep, you read that right! All my laziness has paid off ;). I lost 2.5lbs this week. I am 1/2lb from the halfway mark. That is exciting, but I can honestly tell you that it isn't going to knock me out of my funk---at least not today. My most recent excuse: I haven't been getting home from work until late. Yes, I know lame...Then again, the 180's are getting close! I'm going out on a limb: I am heading back to the gym this weekend.

Official weigh in stats:
Starting weight: 234lbs
Current weight: 192lbs
Overall loss: 42lbs
Lbs to goal: 43lbs


Serena said...

The halfway point, that is so exciting!!!! Congratulations.

I have always noticed that I seem to do better when I a more lazy with dropping the pounds. I think it is because when we aren't exercising, we aren't adding muscle.

Good luck at the gym and thank you for your comment on my blog.


Jessica6903 said...

Congrats on the half way mark!!
Oh, and I bought some White Cheddar Soy Crisps. YUM.