Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Woo Hoo! Scale Moved!

Yep! Finally after eating next to nothing the scale finally moved. I weighed in at 211.5! Very exciting. Especially considering today is my birthday. Best present I received. :)

I haven't been exercising much (supposed to walk 30 mins a day), so that could be a contributing factor. I am not one for individual exercise and much prefer group exercise like aerobics. I'm not cleared to do that yet, but think I will be this week...I'll find out on Dec 7---the follow-up with the surgeon.

Well my diet is officially Phase 2 - All of Phase 1 'stuff' plus:

  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Blenderized Soup
  • Soup with noodles
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Oatmeal
  • Grits
  • Cream of Wheat

I haven't been doing so well on the diet. I have had a few things here and there that are not on the list. The usual reason: I feel fine and it goes down fine. It has been soups that have 'stuff' in them that haven't been blenderized. Bad, bad...

I can tell that the band is dimming my hunger. There have been a couple times that I have eaten more than a cup of food and have paid for it later by feeling very full....eating too dang fast. This is going to be the ongoing challenge for me. Slooooooooooowing down. As I said, about 1 cup of food fills me up and sticks with me for the most part until the next meal. Overall, I am very satisfied with my band.

22.5 pounds down
Hunger - normal - just at meal time
No restriction? Maybe I have some because I can't eat as much as I used to???
19 days post op
Diet - Phase 2 mushies

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