Monday, October 01, 2012

Wellness Goals - 3rd Quarter Results (2012)

As my buddy Dawnya pointed out when she tracked me down (thanks!), I haven't posted much. I've just been stretched for time this quarter--changes at work, "puppy pains", and too many other things to list. I hope everyone that made it to b00bs this year had a blast!

1. Boot camps. Goal: 200 camps. Stretch Goal: 240.
  • This now includes camps and boxing...So far 198 camps/boxing.
2. Training/Race Total Miles. Goal: 225 miles. Stretch Goal: 250 miles.
  • So far 317.8 miles. 
  • As expected, running is dropped off due to heat. This quarter's total is only 47.3 miles.
3. Half Marathons. Goal: 2. Stretch Goal: 3.
  • Holding steady at 2.
4. 5K, 10K, 15K or other races such as obstacle races. Goal: 5. Stretch Goal: 7.
  • Holding steady at 5.
2012 - 2nd Quarter Results
2012 - 1st Quarter Results
2011 Year End Results
3rd Quarter Results
2nd Quarter Results
1st Quarter Results
2011 Wellness Goals

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Good job!!! We missed you in Chicago!