Monday, July 25, 2011

Me, a Grem1in?

This weekend my husband characterized me and my eating as a Grem1in. I'm all sweet and cuddly (he thinks so anyway) when I'm well fueled, but when I'm not, look out! The other one he has used is:

Yep, the hu1k. And, yes, both are even a bit true unfortunately. Normally I have a snack or two in my purse, but unfortunately sometimes I forget. At least he's getting that when I say I need to get something to eat that I'm not messing around!

It was a weekend packed full of events, but we did rent a movie Friday night - Limitless. We were actually surprised how good it was, so if you're looking for a movie this one might be worth checking out.

On Saturday it was "only" 100 (temp, no heat index)...and I was thankful for the break in the heat. It's strange how much those few degrees make a difference.
Weekly Round Up
  • 4 bootcamps
  • Calories: 2631


Anonymous said...

I wish my hubby would get it that when I have to eat, I have to eat soon.. I call him on my way home from work (it takes me an hour and 15 to get home) and ask him to be ready if we are eating out. When I get home he is usually just about ready to step in the shower. he acts all confused when I get mad about it. Honestly. I eat lunch at noon and it is now 6 PM. I get grumpy AND if I get too hungry I eat too fast and you know what that means. Men. Mine is super thin and goes entire days without eating so he thinks I am just irrational and maybe I am.
Is Limitless the movie where he takes a pill or somethign and is suddenly super intelligent?

Beth Ann said...

My BFF is totally like that without food! :) The heat really could take it down a few notches. Really.

Samantha said...

That is so me! If I'm hungry (thankfully not so much since the last fill) It's the end of the world until I eat. And hubby just doesn't seem to get it

Silverhairedgoddess said...

I think self talking is great - after all you know what is best for you, right :)