Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 4 - Wrapping Up Round 2

This week marks the 4th week of this round of bootcamp. I did miss two days this session, but they were unavoidable because of work. My personal rule on missing camp is the ONLY valid reasons are:
  1. I have a fever
  2. I am actively puking my guts out (fever does not need to be present - HA)
  3. I have to travel for work
Lucky for me(?) all three of these things rarely occur. For the next round of camp, I don't forsee missing a day.

Observations from this camp session:
  • I have definitely increased my overall strength. I increased my weights this session from last and am finding that for some exercises they are too light. For next session I will either get heavier weights or small kettleballs.
  • My form is improving! I continue to try and focus on form. Think about what I am doing and what muscles are "supposed" to be engaged. When I do this, I am able to feel some discomfort the next day. It's not pain, just a feeling that my muscles have been worked. On days when I don't do this, the next day I don't feel anything. To continue improve, I have to make sure to continue this next session.
  • On some days we essentially do farleks although at camp they aren't called that. I have noticed an increase in my overall pace because of this. Prior to camp, I would not get this type of workout in. Camp is a good thing for this.
  • I am pleased with my progress, but the next couple of months will be the true test. It's been steadily getting warmer and more humid in the morning, but it's definitely NOT what it will be. Water will be my friend.
There is a week "off" between camps. You can sign up (aka - pay more money) to do camp during this off week. I am not going to press my luck with hubby though and just take the week off from camp. It'd probably be a good idea to figure out a plan for that week, so I better get thinking on that. But then again, I do have some cash in my wallet...tee hee

1 comment:

Colls said...

Boot Camp session are so great! They really make it easy for you to track your progress. You can really feel a difference from each class to the next!

I am so glad you are really feeling improvements. Keep it up, the next couple of months will be hard - but so worth it! <3