Monday, April 08, 2013

2013 1st Quarter (non) Results

I used to track my food and my weight and dumped both of those at some point along my journey. Now after two years of tracking my wellness goals I'm ditching tracking that too.

I haven't fallen off the wagon or gained weight (well my clothes fit fine). It's just part of my journey. It's been approximately 7.5 years and I'm trying to continue to progress. My goals: not obsessing about my weight, what I'm eating, or how much I'm moving. I don't think anyone's journey is the same, goals are different, and it takes a lot of hard work to figure out what works along the way and for me, to recognize when something is no longer working and change it.

Tracking was becoming a P.I.T.A, something I was forgetting to do, and much like food tracking and definitely the scale it was adding stress. Who doesn't have enough stress that is out of your direct control that adding to it yourself is just a little crazy? :)

Since the year started, I've been at boot camp a minimum of 5 times a week, I've gone for a run when I felt like it, completed some races with friends because they were doing them, and finished a half marathon. So, in reflection, I'm pretty much tracking to my goals, just not tracking them. This is working for me now, so I'm going to keep working it. I doubt I'll post much, but I will plan to post something every quarter.


speck said...

So good to see your post. Thanks for the update.


Dawnya said...

I never worry about you falling off the wagon. You are a rock star in my book.

Miss ya much!!!