My journey on becoming and being a bandster. (Having the lapband procedure.) Hopefully it will not only help me in my journey and in reflection, but others that are considering lapband as a viable option for weightloss.
All the red wine I've had this past month is OK, because it's good for me. Check this out.
I don't get the "Oooo, I love puppy breath". Really? Stinky.
I had registered for what looked like a neat half this coming weekend, but they were looking for people willing to defer to 2013. Between my husband being gone most of last month and the new puppy, I deferred. (There's a bit of a foot issue at the moment too. More on that in another post.)
Why do dog feet smell like frit0s? Or, maybe the real question is why do frit0's smell like dog feet? Hmmm, why was I smelling her feet anyway?!
I have not had Fuzzy*s since I posted about it. Serious withdrawal....maybe tonight?
We are officially going on vacation in July! Everything is scheduled and paid for, so no excuses. I am counting the days.
I missed having my husband at camp. I didn't expect that as camp was "my" thing, but I've discovered I like it being "our" thing.
I plan on sleeping a lot more now that I found this article that talks about how the link to sleep and obesity has been overstated. Now, if I can just find the time to get 9 hours of sleep in!
Eat only small meals (four to six ounces = 1/2 to 3/4 cup)
Cut food into small, dime-size bites. Eat only one bite at a time. Chew thoroughly and swallow carefully.
Stop eating as soon as you feel full. Just because you can eat more, doesn't mean you should!
Do not drink while eating.
Eat only quality, nutritious foods. Remember protein first!
Avoid white, starchy foods and fibrous foods with stalks
Drink plenty of fluids during the day (eight 8oz glasses) unless contraindicated due to a medical condition
Drink only low-calorie liquids
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, unless contraindicated due to a medical condition
Call your surgeon, nurse practitioner, or provider if you have any problems, questions, concerns, vomiting, or are unable to keep down liquids.
These are general guidelines, but each patient is unique. Speak with your doctor or nurse practitioner if you have questions or are struggling with any of these guidelines.